Does he have incorrect pronunciation? Is your child's speech unclear to you? And you, as parents, are worried about his speech. Then you need a speech therapist.
Speech therapist - defectologist, working for 28 years with children of different ages, having problems in speech and mental development. I live in Sacramento and am always ready to help your child by performing a number of professional services:
Consultation and diagnostics
I carry out correction and correction of pronunciation
I eliminate speech defects and stimulate its progress
I work with such disorders as:
General speech underdevelopment (GSU)
Speech delay (SD)
Alia (etc.)
I perform speech therapy facial massage
I develop an individual plan of correctional work and select appropriate methods for effective implementation
I develop in children:
Correct breathing
Fine and gross motor skills
Memory, attention, thinking, perception
I am engaged in activating and expanding the child's vocabulary
I teach children to form phrases and sentences, and develop coherent oral speech.
After each lesson I give homework that the child must do together with the parents every day. Only with my joint work as a specialist and the work of the parents with the child does the correctional work turn out to be most successful.
Let's work together as a team to create a comfortable atmosphere for the child and correct all speech defects.
Sign up by number.
LIS - GNB32019-03212
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