We are mainly oriented on teaching Russian and Armenian languages. Our rooms are comfortably furnished with plenty of different toys that both teach and help increase imagination. There is also a large courtyard with beautiful artificial grass on which to play. We offer 3 homemade meals a day. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any moment. We are at the nearest corner of Roscoe and Van Nuys Blvd., right in between I-405 & I-170 freeway 2 miles from each freeway. We will always be glad to see your kids in our Family Child Care. Phone # (818) 317-6485
Please visit us also at https://upwards.com/daycare/saghumyanmuradyan-family-child-care
Dear parents, we are pleased to inform you that the (Golden Key) family manger-kindergarten has opened its doors at the corner of Van Nuys and Panorama City. It is furnished with brand new furniture and lots of new toys. It has a large green yard with high quality grass. Our skilled chefs will serve delicious home-cooked meals to your children 3 times a day. We are sure that your children will be very happy with us. For more information, call (818) 317-6485 or (818) 217-6916
You can also find us by following this link https://upwards.com/daycare/saghumyanmuradyan-family-child-care
Affordable prices