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News - US is plotting ‘color revolution’ in Georgia, Russian intelligence says

Business Strategy

US is plotting ‘color revolution’ in Georgia, Russian intelligence says

by Lilit Aug. 26, 2024

According to incoming information, the White House is extremely dissatisfied with the development of the situation in Georgia ahead of the parliamentary elections to be held on October 26, informs the press bureau of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), reports RIA Novosti. To this end, pro-Western Georgian NGOs are recruiting many volunteers to closely monitor the voting process. They are tasked with identifying and recording the "unavoidable facts" of authorities' use of administrative resources, the SVR said. According to the information of the department, at capital Tbilisi Meidan they plan to publicize "evidence of fraud" during the voting, announce the non-recognition of the election results, and demand a change of power. The Georgian law enforcement officers will be provoked to repress the protests by force. "At the same time, the Americans are developing options in advance for a ‘merciless’ political and economic response to the ‘excessive’ use of force against ‘citizens’ by the authorities," SVR noted. The Russian intelligence service added that the ruling Georgian Dream party could get considerable support from the population in the October 26 elections, as the opposition, despite the efforts of the Americans, remains fragmented, and the coalitions created by various forces are very fragile. This, as they fear in the US, will loosen the hands of the ruling party to "continue its sovereign course and refuse to fulfill the demands of the West, which are against the national interests of Georgia." "The White House considers such a scenario unacceptable. The Americans intend to massively increase the pressure on the Georgian authorities in the weeks remaining before the elections, in order to weaken the electoral positions of the Georgian Dream as much as possible," noted the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service.

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