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News - 90 people arrested since first day of London Notting Hill Carnival

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90 people arrested since first day of London Notting Hill Carnival

by Lilit Aug. 26, 2024

The UK capital London police arrested 90 people after the first day of the Afro-Caribbean cultural carnival in Notting Hill, three people were stabbed, some seriously, the Scotland Yard stated. "Hundreds of thousands of people came to Notting Hill Carnival today [i.e. Sunday] to enjoy a fantastic celebration," the London police said in a statement. "Regrettably, a minority came to commit crime and engage in violence." According to the police, the condition of a 32-year-old woman is the most worrying of the three people who were attacked with bladed weapons. She is suffering "life-threatening" injuries. A 24- and a 29-year-old man were also injured. The most common reason for the aforesaid arrests was drug possession. Next come possession of a dangerous weapon, assaults on emergency workers, robberies, and sex crimes. And 15 police officers were attacked.

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