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News - CNN: Biden withdrew from the election race not due to health reasons

Business Strategy

CNN: Biden withdrew from the election race not due to health reasons

by Lilit July 22, 2024

In a pivotal decision made within the last 48 hours, President Joe Biden has opted to withdraw from the presidential race. This decision, confirmed by a senior campaign adviser, followed extensive consultations with family and top advisers while he was recovering from COVID-19. Biden’s contemplation of an exit began on Saturday night and was finalized by Sunday. A source familiar with the situation revealed that the president was in close contact with his closest advisers, Mike Donilon and Steve Ricchetti, as they analyzed the latest polling data and party dynamics. Contrary to speculation, Biden's decision was not driven by any medical issues. A senior White House official clarified to CNN that the president's health was not a factor in his withdrawal. Instead, Biden’s choice was grounded in a strategic assessment of his campaign's viability. During a Saturday meeting with his advisers, Biden reviewed polling data and feedback from top Democratic officials. The insights presented highlighted a grim reality: a path to victory was "basically nonexistent." Although no single poll number or wavering Democratic official triggered Biden’s decision, the aggregate information pointed to a severely damaged campaign trajectory. Declining national and swing-state poll numbers, coupled with the likelihood of accelerating party defections, underscored the challenges ahead. Ultimately, Biden determined that remaining in the race would "weigh down" the Democratic ticket and complicate efforts to defeat former President Donald Trump. This conclusion was drawn from extensive data analysis and strategic discussions, illustrating a pragmatic decision to step aside in the best interest of the party's success.

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