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News - Cyrusher Ripple Electric Snowboard can carry person up mountain at speed of 50 km/h

Business Strategy

Cyrusher Ripple Electric Snowboard can carry person up mountain at speed of 50 km/h

by Lilit Jan. 3, 2024

The recently released Cyrusher Ripple Electric Snowboard can successfully solve the mountaineering lovers’ most unpleasant task: mountain climbing. The novelty has been valued at $2,199 by the manufacturer and offers a range of 14.48-19.3 kilometers and a speed of up to 50 km/h, Techkult informed. Thanks to this device, you can move not only on a flat area, but also on slopes of 20-percent degree. The snowboard has an advanced electric motor with a power of 3,000 W. The torque is transferred from it to the wide tire, which provides the necessary attachment to the snow cover. Its manufacturers have planned an independent wheel which enables you to easily adapt to the current conditions of movement. Using an electric snowboard on flat terrain will not require the same effort as skiing. Even at a respectable price, such a technological snowboard can become very popular among those who love snow-related entertainment.

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